This means that all Solar Panels by Jinko Solar, and other Modules under the Jinko brand provided by Solar Grid Alternatives Philippines for Retail or Solar Installation are authentic and honors Jinko’s warranty and support.
In this letter sent from Jinko Solar. It also states that “Jinko will be able to provide advisory assistance on matter related to the installation. Operation, maintenance and trouble shooting of our PV Modules” This means that Solar Grid Alternatives has a direct line of technical support from Jinko Solar.
Solar Grid Alternatives is a recognized Distributor of Jinko Solar Products in the Philippines.
Unlike other Solar Installation Companies in the Philippines who supplies indirectly from the Manufacturer, they often sell in-authentic products and warranty services. Some freelance solar installers may also provide Jinko Solar Modules in the market but they may have sourced them from surplus or older modules that are now less efficient.
Solar Grid Alternatives is known in the market by its customers by one of the most efficient Solar Installation Package provider in the Philippines due to the products and services that they offer.
To get a free quote on which solar package suits your needs. Send us a message here >>

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